Valdosta State University Saves Over $3 Million

Valdosta State University Saves Over $3 Million

Author: Charles Jarrell

Title: Valdosta State University Saves Over $3 Million


Valdosta State University saved $3,454,522.00 in cleaning labor and chemicals over a 12 year period.
This equals $287,876.83 in savings per year! The goal of Valdosta State University was to research a cleaning method that would reduce labor, material cost, increase floor safety and improve indoor air quality in all campus buildings.


The process used to maintain all campus buildings was to strip and refinish all hard floors except classrooms, one time per year. Classrooms were stripped and refinished semi-annually. Due to this process, there were occasional slips and falls and complaints of strong odors emitted from the stripping chemicals that contributed to poor indoor air quality. All floors were spray buffed weekly and during the year, floors were top scrubbed and recoated as needed.


The Zing Floor Care System was introduced in 2000. Since its inception, stripping of floors has been eliminated. The Zing technology process is consistent, making cleaning simple. Due to continuing compliments on great looking floors, custodians have increased self satisfaction and pride in their efforts. 
By using Zing technology we have eliminated foul odors from stripping chemicals, slip and fall incidents, spray buffing which causes powdering and reduction of chemical usage. One of the major benefits from the technology is reduction of man hours due to eliminating stripping.
At Valdosta State University “We have surpassed our expectations in results and especially in savings”. Jim Muzzey, Assistant Director of Plant Operations VSU.
For more information on this case study, contact: [email protected] , or call: 229-333-5398 or 229-356-2611
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